Wednesday, July 8, 2009

First picture.

Me in my room...after finally getting dressed and ready for the day.

my battery converter=not working well.

Can't figure out why it stops charging before my computer is fully charged. Back to 20% battery life so I better get offline.

Good news=youth pastor and other youth worker I live with (Dejan and Kimberely) are both funny and nice :). I am glad Kimberely will be here for another month.

Also good news=England has good food!!!



  1. Thank you for texting me this a.m. So glad you got a good night's sleep. Hope someone can help with charging issue? Love you mucho!

  2. I cannot tell you how jealous I am of you getting to be in London. I really enjoyed it when I was there. Make sure that when you ride the London Eye that you do it around sunset, it's so amazing and incredibly beautiful!!! Lots of Luck to you girly!
