Wednesday, February 3, 2010

I am in love...aww....

It has been roughly two weeks since I fell in love....


almost had you, haha, I fell in love with the gym!! I just thought you might like to know, oh and see my progress:
yep. that's right. I now have MASSIVE muscles. (in case you can't tell, I am pushing them up, hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha)

no, but honestly. The gym has made me so much happier. When we stop exercising, we forget how much it does for us. I was feeling pretty down at times before I started the gym, I wasn't feeling happy about how out of shape I was, and it was something that constantly bothered me. I am much happier now, and I love having a membership!! My favorite class is Legs, Bums, and Tums, lol. Or body combat, which is pretty intense. I have started spinning class as well, and the instructor is totally insane, in a good way. Like I cannot even tell she has legs that is how fast she pedals. My life is getting really busy again, and I am surprised I have even taken the time to write on here! I made vegan brownies the other day, with carob rather than chocolate, and they were gross. So I made them again with dark chocolate, and I think I may be in love. I have eaten half the pan in 3 days. SOOO good. They have tofu in them, which gives them an amazing texture. I love vegan food. But NOT carob. I do not love carob, but anyone who does deserves a high five, or a hug, or carob cookie, something!

So since I started the gym, I have no desire to walk anywhere anymore. I used to walk to the town center and back at least once a week (like a 25 minute walk each way). And I would go to the store all the time...and now...I am just like...ugh, how bad do I need to go?

Plus I am always running out of money, this whole living pay check to pay check thing is rough.

So here is some CRAZY news. I applying to go to ACA Spain, just for the summer program. Which means if I get to go, I will leave England the first week in June. only FOUR months from now. So pray about my life please, thanks, haha.

Jesus loves you, always has, always will.


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