Friday, July 10, 2009

Bop It Worship

Well tonight was my first vespers (friday night worship) but here they call it YU (youth united). It was pretty simple actually but still nervacking being my first time talking to these kids! It is a high school aged group, ranging from 10 people to 30 ish people. Tonight there were only 10 or 11. Because Jesus wanted to make it easier on me haha. So this is what I talked about--I brought a Bop it and we played a few rounds and then I explained how before I left the states I was playing bop-it and I realized The Bible can feel like bop it. sometimes it feels like the Bible is just this book of rules telling us what to do and it's like we can't keep up with it, it gets overwhelming. But in bop it when you mess up your turn is over and it says something mean to you like "you win! not." haha but Jesus is way cooler than that because he will never say mean things to you and he always gives you another chance. So I encouraged them that when they are feeling like the Bible is a bunch of rules they will never be able to keep, to remember that Jesus always accepts us where we are at and has a never ending abundance of forgiveness. AND not only that but he has a reward for those who continue to pursue the way the Bible teaches us to live, HEAVEN. It says in Matthew 16:27 that when Jesus comes back, he will reward us for how we have lived here on earth. So anyways that was my bop it worship! ta da. I hope they got something out of it, God gave me the idea for a reason so I just have to trust that.

The kids are very nice by the way and I can tell they will be loads of fun to hang out with.

1 comment:

  1. Great write up sweetie! Call me around your lunch time noon-ish (5 am) or one-ish (6 am) I don't care!!! I am so excited to hear about your first Sabbath. I am so sorry I missed your IM but were on top of a mountain trying to get down. Sheep Mountain to be exact. I knew I would miss you and changed my voice mail in case you called. I tried to call you but I think I had your number in wrong. Tried to call the church and got the nice British accent on the message! Way cool. I LOVE YOU SO MUCH YOU CAN'T EVEN IMAGINE HOW MUCH. MWAH!
