Monday, July 13, 2009

Monday Mania

Today I:

went shopping with Rima and Kimberly. We went to look for swimming stuff for our Sweden trip, I was looking for a cover up since I didn't think I would be swimming in the UK I didn't bring much for that...I mostly brought winter clothes anyways I found nothing just so you know but we went to the Harlequin mall, I almost bought a shirt for 11 pounds but converted it to dollars in my head and said no (like 18 dollars or something). But I did cave and buy tofu. 3 packages. and some dark chocolate-YUM. Then I had yet another road incident it was raining so we were running back to Rimas car and my tofu bag broke but I realized it after crossing the street! And I look back and there is a tofu trail! In the street and I was like noooooo not the tofu!!!!! Luckily I was able to save it from english road rage :). Then we went to a sports store, and borders where I got a book for 6 pounds of "speeches that changed the world" I thought it would be good knowledge and if you are wondering, yes, I have a Dream is in there!..Then we went to hobby craft which is like hobby lobby and I was massively ecstatic but made myself walk out with as much money as I walked in with (amazing for me). Then we came back to the flat and I wanted to nap but didn't and instead went on a cleaning spree in our kitchen. I swept and mopped the floor, I wiped down everything, I washed one of the couch covers, I scoured the utensil holder which needed it, I spent serious TLC time with the stove and it still isn't sparkling (ugh) I even busted out the bleach for this. It was serious I am telling you. Then Kimberly made a delicious healthy lemon pieish thing. Then she took me on an adventure walk so I would know how to...and we ended up at ASDA (wal mart) where I purchased a prayer idea notebook...a dish scrubber...a floor scrubber...3 containers of greek yogurt mmmm...vegan parmesan cheese...wheat noodles...and thats it. I did so good. oh wait I got laundry detergent and softener which took literally 25 minutes to figure out. Crazzzzy England. oh and clothespins for drying the couch cover outside. which amounted to 19 pounds. don't convert it to dollars cause that is depressing to do. (35).

xoxoxoxoxoxo thanks for listening to my life ramblings :)

PS the picture is to show you that here in England they don't say soy they say soya. I eat this on my granola in the mornings :).



  1. I am so glad you saved your tofu cuz I know that would have made you sad not to. Glad you are still alive. Did you know Jenn's brother got hit by a bus while in Englad for the same reason you almost got hit by a car in the flip flop incident??? Be careful little feet.... Love you!

  2. i like how you sign your name at the end.

    and you forgot to say that it was POURInG down rain that day with the tofu. we were getting SOAKED.
    have you read any of your book?

    i fB dennis today. i miss that guy.
    i leave for osh kosh at like 4 in the morning sunday.
    tomorrow... i meet the man "God set aside for me"

    pray for me!
    i'll be a praying for you my friend!
