Thursday, July 30, 2009


I am having a problem. I am having an obsession with chocolate. And I normally do not eat sugar. I have not had a candy bar in months, and today I ate a kit kat!! Ah. I feel like a traitor to my body hahaha. And worst part is I would love to eat another one. I try to only keep dark choc. around but the church has chocolate downstairs. It isn't mine so for now I am safe. But he said I could have one if I ever wanted to, and that's where that kit kat came from. chocolate. mmm. I am bored that is part of the problem. Kimberly left so I am a little lonely, not bad. Good time to study and do laundry and what not but it's weird to have so much down time.

1 comment:

  1. i'm sorry that i make you eat chocolate! i never had a problem eating micheals chocoalte... except for when he stocked up on DARK chocoalte kit kats!!! yummo!!!

    i miss you SO much!

    and i see you love FROyO!!! yes! my new best friend!!!
    and that you like R names and K names... my name starts with a K! and Rima... that's an R... and Roland (the guy that pays us)... what about Kip or Randy (as the british kids what that name means) you probably shouldn't like those names...
